Your customers eagerly anticipate the release of our Restricted Quantities (RQ) products each year so they can stock their cellars with wines made from these exceptional and distinctive kits.
To support the RQ program and to introduce new consumers to these outstanding wines, we are excited to announce an online contest: a chance for Canadian craft winemakers to WIN one of five craft winemaking experiences at an RJS Craft Winemaking Academy store!
- The contest will run across Canada (excluding Quebec) starting November 12, 2014 and ending January 10, 2015. The winners will be announced January 12, 2015.
- Winners will choose one of the 4 RQ varietals to make at their closest RJS Craft winemaking ACADEMY store.
- If your store is the closest Academy store to one of the winners, RJS Craft Winemaking will provide you with the RQ kit and bottles as well as two additional RQ kits of your choice. We will contact you in advance to determine the best time for the contest winner to make their wine with you.
- The contest entry page will be hosted on the RJS Craft Winemaking website and will be promoted through traditional and paid social media for maximum exposure to potential new customers. We expect our posts to garner as many as 100,000 impressions throughout the duration of the contest.
- We encourage you to promote it on your own social media sites and we will provide you with a web vignette with a link to the contest page for your own website. Remember, the more you promote the contest in your local area, the greater chance someone living near your store will win!
- And if a winning customer goes to your store to make their wine, all we request is that you take pictures as they make their wine!
- After the contest is over we will provide you with contest results including how many people entered.
If you have any additional questions about the contest, please talk to your sales rep.